What is reasonable and what is unreasonable

The Council of the city of Cupertino gave Apple final statement to build space ship name known as new building of the company. and start the company in a lot of construction 2014 is expected with great developments in electronics to become mobile processors in Apple more speed development must take place in a copy the IOS and the operating system on mac need to some updates there are those who believe that the presence of Executive Directors of companies in fashion Apple plans for more than a smart company is working with to help them to improve their situations with customers it is expected that it will benefit Apple more in how to use the customer data in an idealالتوقعات-لأبل-لعام-2014،-ثقف-نفسك-8Apple Set To Work: After a lot of analysis and statistics experts conclude that the Apple in 2014 will focus on work and productivity market and adventure. says one of the managers of sections of Apple sales and laptop normal fell by 100 million units since 2010, greatly increased sales tablet computers. This is believed to be the Director that the ideas that will be used by Apple in this adventure unable application they want to make the ipad more secure through a group of separate applications and that there are some applications that can allow the customer to make special applications with somewhat similar to that androideالتوقعات-لأبل-لعام-2014،-ثقف-نفسك-9

Apple surprises in 2014

of course, Apple it one of the largest technology companies in the world must have plans for the year ahead, and perhaps also distant future. The company is no longer Apple Steve Jobs, the era of one of the greatest managers in the world, some experts believe that the creativity of Apple has died with this man, as many believe they need a lot of modernization and daring to imaginary creations more Impress clients and forcing them to use all what is new in technology.

When we look at the Apple in 2013 did not find that they have impressed many people as they had done so in the past the problem is that the current Executive Director Tim Cook has no longer any new during next year, however, many believe that 2014 will be a year of Apple is different for

Throughout the year 2013 was expected to launch the first apple product that can be wearing a smart at iwatch before Nokia, Qualcomm couterfeited even Samsung, who had fired their products in this regard already formally, but we have found that the Apple was silent watching onlyالتوقعات-لأبل-لعام-2014،-ثقف-نفسك-4

But in 2014 will be the M7 processor is a processor that operate in order to detect the movement in iPhone 5S, ipad air, ipad Mini has been using the services of Executive Director leborbery Angela arendetss executive director Paul Deneuve company of Saint Laurent, one of the largest companies in the world fashionPAUL DENEVEالتوقعات-لأبل-لعام-2014،-ثقف-نفسك-6By linking both told AFP it can be concluded that the Apple sets clear plan 2014 but do this for iwatch? In fact, they do not know, but it is certain that the Apple is working on the Hour will be smart bomb technology New Year, which will be completely different from what we saw of smart hours in 2013 the size of the screen: Always Keep Apple on the sizes of screens and its organs in stark contrast between them and Samsung, but 2014 will be the year of great quality for display in the Apple’s New. will witness the Apple 2014 screens larger size for iPod von especially after a welcome customers in this proposal, but it will not reach the size of 6 inches, it will arrive to the size of the tablet also that the IOS will help in this development, it can cope with big screens high efficiencyالتوقعات-لأبل-لعام-2014،-ثقف-نفسك-10But the ipad will not affect this development in the large size of the screen, as the company considers that the size of this figure is not very necessary to zoom in is 7.9 inches and will not be necessary to increase this to 12 inches Apple TVs do not forget: the idea of smart TV Apple’s Steve Jobs is one of ideas, which are still Apple is working on it. Despite knowing Apple, including you want from these products exactly but it needs to be some technical work to become as it should. It is expected that the apple will put this type of TV 2014 it combines the normal TV Waterbirds to fit all of the Office and at home it is also expected that it would be one of surprises disallowed التوقعات-لأبل-لعام-2014،-ثقف-نفسك-2

New Year

However, there are a lot of experts with pessimistic view and those who expect that the Apple TV will not possess the admiration or impress everyone in NMD and we can say that it is also expected to make intelligent apple of this TV version installed in new Automatic car for the year 2014التوقعات-لأبل-لعام-2014،-ثقف-نفسك-7


You Were Born Rich

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One And Only You
Every single blade of grass,
And every flake of snow—
Is just a wee bit different …
There’s no two alike, you know.
From something small, like grains of sand,
To each gigantic star
All were made with THIS in mind:
To be just what they are!
How foolish then, to imitate—
How useless to pretend!
Since each of us comes from a MIND
Whose ideas never end.

There’ll only be just ONE of ME
To show what I can do—
And you should likewise feel very proud,
There’s only ONE of YOU.
That is where it all starts
With you, a wonderful
unlimited human being.    

A Directory of Wonderful Things